The internet is a noisy place...
Over 3.8 million new business applications were filed in the first 3 quarters of 2022. More people are entering entrepreneurship now than ever before. New web applications and platforms are surfacing regularly, and everyone everywhere is an expert. With all of these technological moving parts...the internet is busy, noisy, and some may even use the "S" word...SATURATED. Many new entrepreneurs or even aspiring entrepreneurs quickly become overwhelmed trying to keep up with constant changes online to grow their businesses and ultimately quit due to decision fatigue.
This is where THE HOUSE OF STRATEGY is disrupting the digital marketing landscape and providing sustainable marketing solutions that are embedded in research, psychology, and cognitive process. The truth is, you can't scale a business doing what everyone else is doing, but you CAN scale a business using marketing solutions & best practices customized to you, your niche, and ideal avatar.
we've served some of
the best...

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I am Kwinetta, your chief marketing officer!
Marketing is not solely about money. Good marketing will eventually lead to consistent revenue as long as there is a scaleable business model in place. I don't like to see new entrepreneurs following trends, losing money, and ultimately giving up on their businesses.
True Story: I had to walk away from my 8 year public education career that I was building the year that my genius was finally noticed--due to a court case about someone stealing my husband's iPad. I've spent my entire adult life teaching, and I have 3 degrees and a state licensure to back me up.
Marketing does not have to be hard, it just needs to be intentional.
Most of my clients are new entrepreneurs who fall into one of three categories:
1. New entrepreneurs trying to grow their business beyond their friends and family members by learning how to leverage other marketing mediums aside from social media.
2. Aspiring entrepreneurs who are curious on how they should approach marketing solutions to establish a successful online presence to generate leads regularly and engage in meaningful dialogue that converts.
3. Established entrepreneurs who need a refreshed marketing perspective to scale to see consistent 5-figure months.

strategic & marketing
solutions offered at The House of Strategy:
VIP Day Intensive
6 hour intensive centered around a DONE FOR YOU experience. This service can be booked virtually or in-person and includes:
- Marketing & Launch Map
-Email marketing flow guides
-Cognitive Content Strategy
-Revenue Forecasting
-Lead Generation
-Sales page messaging
-Paid Advertising Solutions
This service is only appropriate for established personal brands, ministries, or service-based entrepreneurs. Pricing starts at $2500, Flexible payment options available.
Strategy sessions are 50-minute calls that can be customized to be helpful for you at any stage in your business. During our calls, I will ask probing questions to discern where you are in your business and identify the gaps. We will discuss your goals and I will assist you in building out a custom strategy to implement in order to reach your goals. You will receive a recording of your call as well as a custom call-wrap document. Sessions are $175
Program Start Up
If you are an expert in your field and you are looking to package your expertise into a self-paced program, course, mastermind, or coaching program; this service is for you. This is a retainer service that requires a minimum 90-day service agreement. This service covers:
Client Intake Strategy Call
Program Operations Structure
Program pricing and Expectations
Target Consumer & Competitor Analysis
Program Outcomes
Program Roadmap
Marketing Plan
Website Development
We will build a custom website for you. This process starts from site mapping, asset gathering, designing, and building a website for you that positions you as a thought leader and trusted voice within your industry.
Launch Lab Support
Launching is more than just a social media post. This service is for anyone who desires to launch a product or service. We will work alongside you to strategically map out a plan to introduce your product/service to the market in a way that is memorable and aligned with your brand. Everything from your email sequences, to your graphics and automations is covered with this service. This service starts at $1,000.

Client Review
This masterclass was so packed full of information and it all forced me to take a long, hard, look at the way I've been handling my businesses. It caused me to admit that I treat one as if it is a glorified hobby, and understand that with as much work as I put into the actual product - even more work needs to go into planning/sustaining/scaling. I appreciate the breakdown of the terms. I felt like Kwinetta explained things in a way that made the information palatable and easy to digest, but it was still complex enough to make you understand that launching it's not a game. I don't necessarily think the process will be super easy for me, but this masterclass made me know that it's doable, and definitely worth it if I desire to continue as an entrepreneur/executive founder of a nonprofit.
~ Shanicka House
Founder, The RUTH Foundation